Computer Programming Important Question papers (Ist semester)

 COMPUTER Programming (Ist Semester)

Hi Guys its admin here ..wanna to get centum results in Computer programming ? 
Follow Some tips and here are some of the important questions for you to prepare for the semester examination !
ORIGINAL POST BY OuR GeNuIs Edson Frainlar 

USeful tips :-

  1. Read with all your interest !
  2. Remember that "Your dreams are powerful, make them wise :P" 
  3. Share your knowledge with others ( It will make you stronger enough ).
  4. Simple (USe your brian.... )


Unit 1 Introduction to Computer Programming
1. Characteristics of Computers (8)
2. Generation and evolution of Computers (16)
3. Basic Computer Organisation (8)
4. Classification of Computers (16)
5.Number systems
6. Flow chart, Algorithm, Pseudo code

UNIT 2 C Programming Basics1. Various data types & Operators
2. Looping (for,while,do..while)
3. if,if..else,nested if ,switch
4. Structure of C Program
5. Qualifiers & constants

UNIT 3 ARRAYS AND STRINGS1. Significance,syntax, declaration of 1D , 2D Arrays & accessing array elements
2. Searching & sorting
various types of sorting with eg,
3. Various string functions (syntax, use, snippet is enough)

UNIT 4 FUNCTIONS & POINTERS1. Any 8 built in functions
2. Pointer to multidimensional array, call by value & reference
3.Declaration , initialisation of pointers & accesing variables using pointers
4.Various types of functions
5. Distinguish between call by value & reference
6. Pointers

UNIT 5 STRUCTURES & UNION1. Structure & union (definition, uses, declaration, example, program)
2. Distinguish between struct & union
3. Role of preprocessor

                                               Thank you have a Great successive days :-)